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Study of Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Perovskite BaxPb1-XTiO3

author : M. Dachyar Efeendi


Synthesize of Barium lead titanate has been carried out using Pb2O3 as Pb resource. Two different methods have been applied to get best result of Barium lead titanate phase with variation of sintering temperature and soaking time. Samples was sintered at two methods to compare quantity of BaxPb1-xTiO3. electrical properties characterization applied on best result. Phase Identification and structural characterization of BaxPb1-xTiO3 has been carried out in the composition range of 0.2≤ x ≤ 0.8. The dominant phase has obtained after calcined at 1000 0C and 2 hour soaking time. the sintering process at 1200 0C (first method) applied respectively show multiphase for all compositions. Best result has given by second method which are 1 hour firing and 15 minute grinding process was repeated twice (second method). Each XRD is indexed by the tetragonal unit cell (P4mm), and their lattice content depend on lead content, a and b spacing decreases and c spacing increases. No split of the (111) peak indicates that samples from a complete series of solid solution BLT by replacement Ba by Pb. Electrical properties has been carried out and give increasing resistance (R) and decreasing capacitance (C) with increasing Pb content. Annealing process applied to the sample give a higher resistance (R) dan capacitance (C). SEM result show porosities decrease with increasing sintering temperature and increasing Pb content. SEM also shows presence of crack and defect on all samples and decrease with increase Pb content and a higher sintering temperature.


Ceramic, Barium lead titanate, PTC, ferroelectric, Electrical properties


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